Romil's Online Box...

One Junction For Jokes, Stories, Bolly News, Poetries and many other stuffs

Blogger Introduces 5 Fresh Views!!!

Today when I opened Blogger, I was surprised to see a pop-up that showed a new feature called views. With it Blogger has introduced 5 fresh alternate views that can be used to see the blog posts. This feature uses the latest web technology including AJAX, HTML & CSS3. According to the post on Blogger Buzz, this is just a preview and we can soon be able to customize this views!!! Well, this had took Blogger much ahead of WordPress now. I personally prefer Blogger as it is more customizable, user friendly and easy than WordPress.
According to the Blogger help centre article, following conditions must be satisfied to view your blog in different views:

  • Your blog must be public. Your readers don’t need to sign in to view your blog.

  • Your blog must have feeds fully enabled. In the Settings | Site feed tab, you have enabled either Full or Jump Break for your Post Feed.

  • You have not disabled dynamic views. In the Setting | Formatting tab, the option for Enable Dynamic Views is set to Yes. Click on the name of the view below to view this blog in different views:
    1. Flipcard
    2. Mosaic
    3. Sidebar
    4. Snapshot
    5. Timeslide
    Here’s a snap how these views looks like:
  • 10 Most Shocking Deaths in Sports History

    This post is originally written by one of my reader, Jena Ellis. She wants to share her article with my readers. So I am re-blogging her post here.

    Athletes are some of the toughest and strongest people among us, but they are definitely not immune from the dangers, health problems and temptations the rest of the population faces. These seemingly untouchable figures also suffer from heart attacks, get in car accidents, engage in violence and overdose on drugs. But the shock value tends to increase with every healthy athlete that collapses on the court, or commits suicide because of debt.

    Photo Story: What Ponting asked Tendulkar?

    In a highly electrifying quarter final of Cricket World Cup 2011 between India & Australia, India had beaten Australia in every department of the game. The atmosphere at Motera Stadium was just like a carnival.
    Well, there were some funny moments in the match like Gambhir’s curses when he got out… (Not Safe For Work words!!!).
    One of them is below:
    What was Aussie captain Ricky Ponting asked the Master Blaster Sachin Tendulkar, and what Sachin answered him???
    Here’s the answer:

    Ponting to Sachin: “Hey mate, which is the shortest route to airport? We need a flight back to Sydney tonight.”

    Sachin: “Just go out of stadium, take a left turn to Sabarmati road, then again go left for Shahibaug Underbridge via Shubhash Bridge and go straight for the Taj Hotel, take a right turn and you are there…. Ahmedabad International Airport…”
    [Originally posted on:]

    Formspring Me!!!

    Few days ago I just bumped around a great website called
    On this site you can ask anyone any question you like, anonymously!!!
    Well, it can come pretty handy, if you have your friends out there...
    So feel free to ask me anything on or just type your question in the box in the sidebar. I will try to answer it asap on my blog: and on my formspring page.

    A Tribute to Mother, Sister, Wife, Daughter & Friend...

    (Originally posted on my personal blog on:

    Today is 8th March, better known in the world as the International Women's Day. Today is the 100th International Women's Day...
    It is believed that the God has created us. But I have never seen God. The one person I know as God is my mother. Mother, the creator of this world. The creator of you and me. God gave the gift of reproduction only to women, making her more special than anything in this world. She alone has the ability to produce a new generation. She comes to us in many forms. 

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